
My FALL line-up of shows and classes!

RESCHEDDULED! November 23-24, Contemporary Encaustics: The Basics, ArtsNow/uLearn, ArtWorks, Edmonds, WA, $149. EVERYTHING you have ever wanted to know about working with encaustic wax and mixed media! All levels. (Register through ArtsNow/uLearn/EdmondsCommunity College--click here or visit www.edcc.edu/artsnow/ or bycalling 425-640-1243). PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!

December 7, Beeswax Collage Gift Cards & Tags, Schack Art Center, Everett, WA, $50. Learn the art of working with warm beeswax and collage while creating beautiful cards and gift tags. All levels. (Register online at: www.schack.org, or by calling425-259-5050)


November 16, 10 am-6 pm, Puget Sound Artists Gift Show, Artworks Building, 201 2nd Ave. So in downtown Edmonds, approximately 30 local professional artists turn their talents towards art with the gift-giver in mind. My small encaustic and collage works, matted prints and greeting cards will be available for purchase! For more information visit:  www.childspottery.com/ or see ad below!

November 20, 8:30 am- 5pm, Holiday Craft Village at Edmonds Community College/Room 202, Building: WWY, all items are made by EDCC instructors, employees, students and alumni! 25% of all proceeds will go the the EDCC Foundation.

Sign up for a class today or stop by one of my events!