
Great way to jump start a 'dreaded' Monday...

1) Drive, ride or walk to favorite neighborhood bookstore or library
2) Check-out or buy any book by SARK
3) Place self strategically under skylight or by window in bookstore or library
4) Indulge self in reading about Life, Getting 'Unstuck', Creativity, Naps, the Art of Non-Doing, Living Juicy and more

(I'm currently re-reading SARK's "Inspiration Sandwich--I highly recommend it!)


  1. Love the new banner! I find reading blogs another great way to jumpstart my day and the old creative juices.

  2. the shrine banner is so stunning beneath your steller banner. very very colourlishis!

    i am kick starting this monday with shrine Peeks!!!
    yes...peeks every day and counting!

  3. remind me to tell you about my SARK story!! you will LOVE it!!!!!
