Tomorrow, my beautiful daughter will graduate (officially). Alas, she won't be present at the ceremony, as she is working for a resort in the Olympic National Forest for the summer. I can't help but think about her, and her 18 years of life, this week.
She was finished with high school in early April, attending community college through her high school's Running Start program. So, what did she do? She took a solo 'rail' trip (approximately 6000 miles!) to visit friends in New York City, and Missouri. Needless to say, mom was very distressed about this news when she started planning it in November. But, she returned safely, with $25. in her pocket, and some unforgettable life experiences...
One month later, she scored a great job working as a barista at a beautiful resort in the Olympic National Park. As a mom, I've had to let her go in 'little pieces', which has not been easy. I miss her! I worry about her. But I know she is fine, and will be just fine out in the 'big, wide world". In August, we will be trying to locate an apartment for her in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she will be attending a wonderful art school. Yes, she'll be on her own in a large city.
Why does this remind me so much of myself at her age??? History does repeat itself. And, at 18 years old, did I care (or even think) about what my own mother might have been feeling when I departed into the Big Adventure of life on my own? Not a bit.
I love you J., and I'm SO proud of you.