Your Bid Helps Support Educational Opportunities for Children in Oaxaca, Mexico...
Go to this website as soon as possible and place your bid on a beautiful handmade shrine, and support educational opportunities for the street children of Oaxaca, Mexico. I had the opportunity to visit Oaxaca in the fall of 2007, and still 'get emotional' when I reflect on the lovely people I met there. More information about this auction (and its beginnings) can be found here.
Pictured above: some very talented sand painters, near Oaxaca, during Dia de los Muertos, or "Day of the Dead " festivities. I don't know their backgrounds, but you can see that they are a talented young bunch, with lots of positive energy! They had just completed a beautiful sand painting, which you can see on my site...
Auction to benefit Oaxaca's street children ends tomorrow!
Wendy's class is this weekend!
My friend, Wendy Lee Lynds, has an art workshop coming up in Everett, Washington, this weekend: April 4th and 5th, called "Visual Journaling". Are you or someone you know interested in chronicling the life and times of YOU??
Come, have a blast in this fast-packed, fun two day introduction into the joys of journaling.
now's the time.............
here's the link for more information and the scoop on how to register!
Arts Council of Snohomish County
Up to my knees in ArtFest trades and taxes...

Thanks for voting!
Fooling around with colors...
I'm just bursting...

To the Sea completed...

Days with my Father
My Classes Now Listed on
Fun with Wendy...

Wendy...hard at work.
I had a great 'art date' with my new art friend, Wendy Lee Lynds. She's a fabulous mixed media and collage artists, who also teaches in the Seattle area. We decided to have an 'assemblage day' at my studio. She worked with some antique box frames and some cool old metal pieces and text, and I worked on yet another clipboard collage/assemblage. Since it's sea creature and ocean oriented, I may bring it to the ArtFest 2009, and put it up in the gallery show. Wendy and I had great talks about assemblage, rusty things, odd collections of stuff, collage and how to teach a good workshop! And, of course, we compared notes on our favorite mixed media artists such as Larry Calkins (teaches at Pratt Art Center in Seattle), Lynne Perrella, Michael deMeng, Juliana Coles, LK Ludwig and Claudine Hellmuth. They are all masters at what they do, and teach fantastic workshops.
Clipboard Shrine-ology: Registration now Open!
The Salvage Studio closing retail doors...
Our Goodbye to Retail Sale will be held
March 20 & 21, from 9am to 5pm each day
The retail store is located (north of Seattle) at
650 Edmonds Way in Edmonds, Wa
a short drive off of I-5,
west on Hwy 104 (edmonds way)
before the hill down to the
Edmonds/Kingston ferry.
I would recommend getting there early, as I'm sure they will every last piece. Their website is:
Bunker door at Fort Worden
Rust and hand can't get much better than this. I'm CRAZY about this stuff! I wandered around the old bunkers at Fort Worden last weekend, in Port Townsend, Washington. It had been cloudy most of the day, but the sun popped out just in time to reveal the glorious colors of rust and old paint. ArtFest 2009 will be taking place there in about 3 weeks, I can't wait!
Beach at Fort Worden, Washington
It had just snowed that morning...
Snow in March!!
I was up at beautiful Fort Worden State Park (Port Townsend, Washington) last weekend, and guess what I woke up to? White stuff, everywhere. I felt as though I had awakened in a completely different place. It felt very much like New England, in winter (I've never been there, it's just how I imagined it, though). If you are one of the lucky ones attending ArtFest in April, be prepared for 'funky' weather...more pictures of Fort Worden can be found at my flickr site.
The "Girls" Cheat Death (PLEASE Vote!)
A finalist for my submission to Lark Books call for art for "500 Found Object Works". (The book will be about works of art and craft using found objects). This piece was originally created for "The Breasts of the Northwest II" an art exhibtion showcasing the breast in art...this was my visual comment on those who have overcome breast cancer, with a nod to Mexican Day of the Dead style shrines.
PLEASE VOTE through 'post comment' for either:
1) The Girls Cheat Death OR
2) Countdown to Nada
Countdown To Nada (PLEASE Vote!)
A finalist for my submission to Lark Books call for art for "500 Found Object Works". (The book will be about works of art and craft using found objects). This piece is a comment on the horrendous rates at which our planets' trees are disappearing.
PLEASE VOTE through 'post comment' for either:
1) The Girls Cheat Death OR
2) Countdown to Nada
I value your opinion!

I am submitting three images to Lark Books to be considered for inclusion in the upcoming publication "500 Found Object Works". The book will showcase art (and craft) made from found objects. I am having a tough time narrowing my choice down to three images. If you have the time and energy, I would be grateful if could you visit my web gallery at:
and vote (post your comment on this blog entry) on the three pieces that best represent works using found objects. I personally have eight favorites: 33,000 Words, Countdown to Nada, Dear Tom, Margarita and Marigolds, Mary with Blue and Red, 14 Squares with Chicken Bones and one called "The Girls Cheat Death" (pictured above: a shrine made totally of found objects, dedicated to those who are overcoming breast cancer). I am also considering another piece called "Captive Heart"--it is a shrine, also (pictured below in a previous post). If you don't have the time to do this, I totally understand. If you do, thanks so much!
"Captive Heart" shrine just completed...

Street Children of Oaxaca Online Fundraiser
Please visit this wonderful blog (by artist Rebecca Brooks) and learn about the fundraiser for Street Children of Oaxaca. I was in Oaxaca (city) in 2007 for a shrine workshop with Michael deMeng. It is a most magical place, full of beautiful people, art, souls and history. The fundraiser consists of an online auction of some beautiful hand-made cigar box shrines. The bidding for these shrines started March 1, and will continue through March 31. A wonderfully worthy cause, and you will get a great piece of art for your efforts!
Spanish word for the week: la posada
la posada
English Translation: inn, guesthouse, lodging
Spanish Example: Debe ser muy agradable dormir en esa posada.
English Translation: It should be very pleasant to sleep in that inn.
(YES! It was extremely pleasant sleeping here, in the open air, listening to the surf...aaahhhh.)
Pictured: View from Casa Bougainvillea in Sayulita, Mexico