
My Classes Now Listed on TeachStreet.com

I am thrilled to announce that I now have all my upcoming classes listed on a fabulous website called TeachStreet.com. Now, you can conveniently go to one website to find out all about my upcoming workshops! This wonderful site is for both 'teachers' and 'learners'. You can peruse profiles about teachers and available classes all over the country! Trust me, it's worth a look.


  1. Glad to hear you've joined TeachStreet. I love the line you mentioned, "Now, you can conveniently go to one website to find out all about my upcoming workshops!" That's exactly what we want to here -- more convenience for you.

    Thanks a lot for spreading the word -- please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for the site. We love hearing from the community.

    Joseph Sunga
    Community Developer, TeachStreet.com

  2. I'm glad to spread the word about TeachStreet. I just stumbled upon it a few days ago, and thought it was a fabulous idea!
